
Campaign support for ”Renewable Energy doesn’t need a bridge“

The recently announced plans by the federal government to extend the working life of Germany’s nuclear power plant  have given SunEnergy Europe GmbH the occasion to point out the alternative of an ambition expansion in renewable energy.

The positive development over the last few years in the wind and photovoltaic industries have already showed that there is the potential for a fast, practical expansion of these two energy sources as the cornerstones of local energy supplies. A planned ad campaign by the European Association for Renewable Energy EUROSOLAR in nationwide daily newspapers under the motor “Renewable Energy doesn’t need a bridge” makes a sensible contribution to the German energy debate. 

For Dr. Hartwig Westphalen, managing director of SunEnergy Europe, it was also a matter of course to join in on this appeal. “With our support we’d like to see this initiative reach a point that the central theme of the energy policy debate no longer centers on simply optimizing the status quo.  Instead of trying to conserve the backward looking energy system of the past century, we should be orienting ourselves toward the goal of a full and speedy shift to renewable energy.”

For those individuals interested in supporting the EUROSOLAR ad campaign, more information can be found at:


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