On Usedom, Germany’s easternmost island on the Baltic Sea coast, installation work is under way on what is SunEnergy’s largest roof-mounted PV installation so far. On the premises of the Gut Thurbruch GmbH, a former GDR co-operative which nowadays raises pigs, cattle and sheep by ecological standards, 2.6 MWp nominal power are installed on 12 roofs with a total area extending 26,000 square metres.
Prior to mounting the modules the roofs had to undergo renovation work in order to meet the static demands of a PV installation. A specifically adapted sub-construction was developed by SunEnergy Europe in order to cut down on material need and costs.
"Despite the extra time that was needed to anchor the sub-construction on the cement stud frame of the roofs we will have the installation ready for operation by June 30th, just as we originally planned", Construction Site Manager Christian Rolle states.
The installation work’s progress is documented by a film team from energy tv 24. Click below to see the PV power plant growing in one of the sunniest spots in Germany (Trailer in German language.
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Seit Juni 2013 kooperieren SunEnergy Europe und Milk the Sun im Bereich der Serviceleistungen rund um die Photovoltaik. Als Experte für Photovoltaikanlagen bringt SunEnergy Europe zunächst seine Erfahrung und Expertise in der...[more]
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