A big Thank You to all participants in our anniversary brain teaser! In the year of SunEnergy’s anniversary, the Christmas mailing was themed “The 10-year SunEnergy milestone has been reached, but what does this actually represent?" The question to decipher was “How many Christmas trees must be planted in order to absorb the same amount of CO2 as SunEnergy Europe has saved through its photovoltaic installations over the last ten years?” The correct answer was 100 Million Christmas trees. Congratulations to the winners of an “Energy Autonomy”-DVD and, of course, the lucky winner of the first prize, a Junghans “Milano” solar powered wristwatch.
Among the winners is the rural population in Togo as well: For each entry in the brain teaser, SunEnergy made a donation to the solar light project “lumière pour tous”. African Social Business and Kopeme Group have successfully set up a microfinance project to supply rural population in Togo with solar powered lamps. For several years now SunEnergy Europe has been supporting the initiative.
SunEnergy Europe hat sein Service-Angebot rund um die Photovoltaik ausgebaut. Vom 21.-24. März informiert das Hamburger Solarunternehmen die Besucher auf der Messe „New Energy“ in Husum über seine vielfältigen Dienstleistungen....[more]
SunEnergy Europe unterstützt als einer der sogenannten „Möglichmacher“ in diesem Jahr die dritten Erneuerbaren Lesetage, die vom 21. bis 26. April 2013 in Hamburg stattfinden. Die unabhängigen Erneuerbaren Lesetage, organisiert...[more]
SunEnergy Europe hat seinen Dienstleistungsbereich rund um die Photovoltaik weiter ausgebaut. Das Hamburger Unternehmen ist deutschlandweit im Einsatz, um Qualitätskontrollen an PV-Modulen durchzuführen. Mit einem mobilen...[more]
On Friday, November 30th, SunEnergy Europe was proud to recieve a very special guest from overseas: The Prime Minister of Samoa. The top line on the agenda was a sketch outlined by SunEnergy Europe to implement photovoltaics on...[more]
On August 17th, one of the largest photovoltaic installations on a landfill in Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) was officially opened by the federal stateÆs Minister of Economy, Eveline Lemke. In her welcome address, the...[more]
5.3 MW have been installed in what is one of Hessia's largest ground mounted PV installations. Responsible for the accurately timed construction of the turn-key-power-plant is the EPC contractor SunEnergy Europe. The municipal...[more]
Auf dem Gelände des Flughafens Barth-Stralsund wurde Ende September der zweitgrößte Solarpark Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns in Betrieb genommen. SunEnergy Europe konnte bei diesem Vorhaben seine Erfahrung aus anderen Großprojekten...[more]
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