
North Carolina on track towards American Energy Turn-Around

A group of students from the Institute for the Environment of the University of North Carolina is currently on a six week field trip through Europe, visiting what they feel are the leading places for Renewable Energy and Sustainability: German cities Freiburg and Hamburg as well as Copenhagen/Denmark and Malmoe/Sweden. City planning and landscaping, Regional Development, Renewable Energy and the German Energiewende (energy turn-around) are the focus of the trip. The students pursue the question as to how and which of the strategies regarding Renewables are applicable for the US – something SunEnergy as well is looking forward to seeing in the near future!

SunEnergy’s CSO Gunther Stoermer, a long-standing PV-expert, presented the group with the hard facts about the German energy turn-around and the role of photovoltaics for a 100% renewable energy scenario. A short trip to the famous Hamburg Hagenbeck zoo gave the students a hands-on example of an energy contracting scheme: for three years now, a PV installation carefully designed by SunEnergy’s engineers, generates the electricity necessary to run the cooling system for the polar bear area. This guarantees a long-term reliable and cost-effective supply of clean energy for the zoo. Dr. Greg Gangi, teacher and field trip organizer, expressed his gratitude for the detailed insight on the energy turn-around and the role of PV and added that, according to him, “these students will help push an “Energiewende” in the United States in the future.


SunEnergy Europe unterstützt als einer der sogenannten „Möglichmacher“ in diesem Jahr die dritten Erneuerbaren Lesetage, die vom 21. bis 26. April 2013 in Hamburg stattfinden. Die unabhängigen Erneuerbaren Lesetage, organisiert...[more]


SunEnergy Europe hat seinen Dienstleistungsbereich rund um die Photovoltaik weiter ausgebaut. Das Hamburger Unternehmen ist deutschlandweit im Einsatz, um Qualitätskontrollen an PV-Modulen durchzuführen. Mit einem mobilen...[more]


On Friday, November 30th, SunEnergy Europe was proud to recieve a very special guest from overseas: The Prime Minister of Samoa. The top line on the agenda was a sketch outlined by SunEnergy Europe to implement photovoltaics on...[more]


On August 17th, one of the largest photovoltaic installations on a landfill in Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate) was officially opened by the federal stateÆs Minister of Economy, Eveline Lemke. In her welcome address, the...[more]


5.3 MW have been installed in what is one of Hessia's largest ground mounted PV installations. Responsible for the accurately timed construction of the turn-key-power-plant is the EPC contractor SunEnergy Europe. The municipal...[more]


Auf dem Gelände des Flughafens Barth-Stralsund wurde Ende September der zweitgrößte Solarpark Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns in Betrieb genommen. SunEnergy Europe konnte bei diesem Vorhaben seine Erfahrung aus anderen Großprojekten...[more]


SunEnergy Europe und der chinesische Konzern BYD, der eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen im Bereich erneuerbarer Energienutzung ist, arbeiten Hand in Hand an einer nachhaltigen Zukunft. Die Zusammenarbeit der Unternehmen im...[more]

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