A group of students from the Institute for the Environment of the University of North Carolina is currently on a six week field trip through Europe, visiting what they feel are the leading places for Renewable Energy and Sustainability: German cities Freiburg and Hamburg as well as Copenhagen/Denmark and Malmoe/Sweden. City planning and landscaping, Regional Development, Renewable Energy and the German Energiewende (energy turn-around) are the focus of the trip. The students pursue the question as to how and which of the strategies regarding Renewables are applicable for the US – something SunEnergy as well is looking forward to seeing in the near future!
SunEnergy’s CSO Gunther Stoermer, a long-standing PV-expert, presented the group with the hard facts about the German energy turn-around and the role of photovoltaics for a 100% renewable energy scenario. A short trip to the famous Hamburg Hagenbeck zoo gave the students a hands-on example of an energy contracting scheme: for three years now, a PV installation carefully designed by SunEnergy’s engineers, generates the electricity necessary to run the cooling system for the polar bear area. This guarantees a long-term reliable and cost-effective supply of clean energy for the zoo. Dr. Greg Gangi, teacher and field trip organizer, expressed his gratitude for the detailed insight on the energy turn-around and the role of PV and added that, according to him, “these students will help push an “Energiewende” in the United States in the future.
SunEnergy Europe proudly announces the successful completion of a new PV power plant. Friday, September 2nd saw the connection to the grid of a 1.1 MWp roof-mounted installation in Kodersdorf, Saxony. Nearly 5,000 Yingli modules...[more]
SunEnergy Europe welcomes a new member to its Management Team: Since the 1st June, Dr Christian Kuhse assists the company's founder and CEO, Dr Hartwig Westphalen, as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and now holds the position of...[more]
Thursday, July 7th saw the official opening ceremony of a 2.3 MWp solar power park in the village of Klixbuell, close to the Danish border. Despite its reputation for bad weather, Northern Germany’s geographical situation...[more]
Am letzten Juni-Wochenende wurden in Kronprinzenkoog an der schleswig-holsteinischen Nordseeküste die Sieger der Solarbundesliga gekürt. Zum elften Mal wetteifern bundesweit Kommunen um den Titel "Solarstadt"....[more]
On Usedom, Germany’s easternmost island on the Baltic Sea coast, installation work is under way on what is SunEnergy’s largest roof-mounted PV installation so far. On the premises of the Gut Thurbruch GmbH, a former GDR...[more]
Hamburg, Germany based SunEnergy Europe is using the Intersolar as a platform to display its most impressive projects and interesting developments over the past ten years. One key element on the booth is a building site fence...[more]
Friday, 27th of May, saw the opening ceremony of one of northern Germany’s largest PV power plant in the village of Achtrup in Schleswig-Holstein. The 8.3 MWp solar installation which was connected to the grid in October 2010 was...[more]
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