Seit Anfang November ist SunEnergy Europe auf Facebook vertreten. Hier informieren wir mehrmals pro Woche über aktuelle Entwicklungen im PV-Markt, über die Energiewende und über unsere Produkte und Leistungen.
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SunEnergy Europe proudly announces the successful completion of a new PV power plant. Friday, September 2nd saw the connection to the grid of a 1.1 MWp roof-mounted installation in Kodersdorf, Saxony. Nearly 5,000 Yingli modules...[more]
SunEnergy Europe welcomes a new member to its Management Team: Since the 1st June, Dr Christian Kuhse assists the company's founder and CEO, Dr Hartwig Westphalen, as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and now holds the position of...[more]
Thursday, July 7th saw the official opening ceremony of a 2.3 MWp solar power park in the village of Klixbuell, close to the Danish border. Despite its reputation for bad weather, Northern Germany’s geographical situation...[more]
Am letzten Juni-Wochenende wurden in Kronprinzenkoog an der schleswig-holsteinischen Nordseeküste die Sieger der Solarbundesliga gekürt. Zum elften Mal wetteifern bundesweit Kommunen um den Titel "Solarstadt"....[more]
On Usedom, Germany’s easternmost island on the Baltic Sea coast, installation work is under way on what is SunEnergy’s largest roof-mounted PV installation so far. On the premises of the Gut Thurbruch GmbH, a former GDR...[more]
Hamburg, Germany based SunEnergy Europe is using the Intersolar as a platform to display its most impressive projects and interesting developments over the past ten years. One key element on the booth is a building site fence...[more]
Friday, 27th of May, saw the opening ceremony of one of northern Germany’s largest PV power plant in the village of Achtrup in Schleswig-Holstein. The 8.3 MWp solar installation which was connected to the grid in October 2010 was...[more]
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