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Dann sind Sie bei uns richtig! SunEnergy Europe stellt ab sofort einen Techniker/ Elektriker (m/w) für den Bereich Services ein. Das Aufgabenprofil und die genauen Anforderungen finden Sie in unserer Stellenanzeige unter Jobs.
Außerdem suchen wir für den Bereich Services einen Praktikanten (m/w). Wenn Sie Ihr studienbegleitendes Praktikum bei uns absolvieren und tiefere Einblicke in den Arbeitsbereich von PV-Services erhalten möchten, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.
On the base of the German FIT law SunEnergy Europe developed an energy-contracting concept for Hamburgs' famous Hagenbeck zoo. Yesterday the cooperation between the two enterprises was introduced to public media during a...[more]
Hamburg/Germany – In February 2011 SunEnergy Europe GmbH set up their American subsidiary SunEnergy Americas, Inc. The subsidiary benefits from its parent company’s long time experience on the international PV market. Core...[more]
At SunEnergy the entire team is deeply concerned about the situation in the nuclear power plant of Fukushima. Our sympathy goes to the victims of the calamity and their families. The late events in a highly industrialized...[more]
Loebnitz solar park, which was completed in December 2010 is now ready for the official opening ceremony. On January 30 the park will be open to the public for information between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The 1.4 MWp park is equipped...[more]
A 1.1 megawatt peak solar power park was completed within a record-breaking time of only three weeks on December 20th 2010. The park consists of 5,100 modules and was constructed in the commercial area of Oerzen just...[more]
“For the film industry it’s the Golden Bear, for the primary school students living in Hamburg it’s the ‘Klimabär’.” This was the prominent comparison made by Dr. Uwe Heinrichs, Managing Director of the Regional Institute for...[more]
For SunEnergy Europe, 10th October 2010 was an exceptional day, which saw the official opening of Northern Germany’s largest solar park financed by citizen participation. Graced by glorious weather, the event started with an...[more]
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